I have the privilege of living in a really well run complex.
The gardens are always neat and the trees trimmed regularly. A dedicated team of trustees are diligent about caring for the property, many of them going beyond the strict call of duty. I have recently joined this group and Im really impressed by their energy, capabilities and enthusiasm.
But none of these qualities would make the slightest impact were it not for the long list of rules for residents. When we moved in almost nine years ago, there were just a few simple guidelines be sure to put your garbage bin out Tuesday evenings; drive carefully through the complex; watch out for children playing in the streets; pay your levy before the 7th of the month.
But as time passed, more and more rules had to be added. It seems this is the only way to curb the selfish inconsiderate behavior of some people. Now we have a 6 page list of finely detailed thou shalt nots, and monetary fines are imposed for any transgressions, regardless of the circumstances. Of course, people dont like to be hit where it hurts most and there is generally good cooperation from most home owners. But why the need for such a long list in the first place? Some basic consideration for others would go a long way in eliminating the need for so many rules.
When Israel trekked through the wilderness so many centuries ago, they started out with a relatively simple list of dos and donts the 10 commandments and some enlargements on them. Had they but kept these, they would have been a model nation to all those around them. But sadly, over time more and more laws had to be added. And why? Because their hearts were not really in it. At best, they were only keeping the laws in the letter. There had to be specific laws forbidding specific activities, such as in chapters 18 and 19 of Leviticus. Shortly before he died, Moses said to Gods people: With your own eyes you saw those great trials, those miraculous signs and great wonders. But to this day the Lord has not given you a mind that understands, or eyes that see or ears that hear (Deuteronomy 29:3-4). Yes, God had to give them this kind of mind and heart. It wasnt something they naturally had.
A hopeless creation?
Today, we are really no different. All the laws on our statute books and all the harsh punishments in the world dont stop crime and the evil intent in the hearts of human beings. We would be a hopeless creation if God did not have a plan to rescue us from the vice grip of sin and death. But not only does he have a plan, he has already sealed the deal. Jesus has paid the price for all human shortfall and sin. Weve been forgiven and now we can share in the love of God and let it flow out from ourselves to others. Jesus said to the crowd gathered in Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles, Whoever believes in me as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him. By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive (John 7:37)
But does that mean followers of Jesus Christ will be perfect never slipping up or making mistakes? Of course not. As long as we are flesh and blood humans, we will stumble and make mistakes and sin. But as the Spirit guides and teaches us, we will learn and grow. And what a relief to know our sins and mistakes are completely removed by Christs sacrifice.
Our housing complex is quite popular among home seekers. People see its well kept and maintained, and they are keen to buy into it. Yes, good rules (and strict law enforcement) may result in good complexes, or even good cities. In Singapore for instance, the litter laws, are draconian. You can be heavily fined or even jailed for throwing a scrap of paper on the ground. So people comply. Who wants to be hit where it hurts most?
But good rules dont make good people. That is why Israel of old was not the model nation it might have been. It takes the Spirit of God to transform the human mind, and Jesus has invited us all to partake. This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts and I will write them on their minds. (Hebrews 10:16)