Although a few of the psalms survey the history of Gods people, most of the psalms describe an individuals relationship with God.We might think a...
Recent articles
Let God Define Good
God at times permits tragedies. He permits the ground to grow dry and stalks to grow bare. He allows Satan to unleash mayhem. But he doesnt allow...
Talking to a wall?
One day a reporter heard a story about an old Jewish man who had been going to the Western Wall to pray, twice a day, every day, for a long, long...
King Solomons mines
An elderly widow walked into her local supermarket. There was nothing unusual about that she shopped there often. However, this day would be...
The sign in the natural museum above the scale read, How much are you worth in gold? Standing on the scale multiplies your weight with the present...
Scripture Gods gift part 5
Reality and the Meaning of Scripture This next-to-last article in this series covers several more aspects of listening to, studying and interpreting...
The Grace of Death and Suffering
As I write this, I am preparing to go to my uncles funeral. He had not been well for a while. As it is said, there are two things that are...
Dont understand the Bible?
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be...
Salvation: never a DIY project
The wind is howling up on my roof as I huddle over the solar water heating panel, wondering just what its going to take to get this leak...
ASSEMBLY LINE or unique design?
Your call is important to us, says the voice from the call centre. Then you hear some canned music interrupted by a few advertisements, and then...
Praying for My Enemies
A few weeks ago during a winter storm, there was an automobile accident on the freeway entrance ramp that I use almost every day. A local man lost...
Getting along with our Adult Children
I will never forget those stopping moments when we observed our three children enter their journey into adulthood. They saw it as an...
Looking back
Im sure many of you know the story in Genesis 19 of Lots wife. But what was it that made her look back and turn into a pillar of salt? Did she...
Releasing Gods Power Through Prayer?
AW Tozer said, What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us (The Knowledge of the Holy). People think a...
People who have a purpose in life live healthier and longer lives, concluded neuropsychologist, Patricia Boyle. Dr. Boyle was quoted in a Wall...
Where is Gods true church today?
When Jesus was on earth he assured his disciples that he would build his church on a solid foundation and that it would never die (Matthew 16:18)....
King Solomons Mines – Its Hard to be Humble when youre Perfect in Every Way
They didnt ordain me so Im leaving the church, Jason said with a bitterness in his voice that I had not heard before. Ive done so much for...
What would Jesus tweet?
Have you ever heard of Twitter? Its a social networking platform that launched in 2006 to give computer and smart-phone users the ability to...
You are an idol
Have you heard of the TV Reality Show called Idols SA? It is a music competition where young people from the ages of 18-30 compete to become...
I will bear your dark side
Sin lurks deep in the hearts of the wicked, forever urging them on to evil deeds. Psalm 36:1 TLBVanity is so anchored in the heart of man that ...
If I say no should I feel guilty?
I was busy doing my weekly grocery shopping when a soft, cultured voice asked me, I wonder if you could help me? I turned to see a neatly dressed...
Let someone else do it
A common unspoken (or sometimes spoken) attitude is, I dont have to do (fill in the blank) because someone else will. Someone else will come along...
Cometh the Hour Cometh the Man
The origin of the phrase cometh the hour, cometh the man, is not known. However, its believed that it comes from the joining of the verse in John...
Easter 2014
Good Friday and Easter set themselves as pivotal dates on the Christian calendar. I say pivotal because all that weas Christianshope and believe...
I see Jesus in you
I was working one day at my job as a cashier in a sporting goods store, talking and just being friendly with a customer when, before leaving, she...
Are You Getting It?
Ever had an argument and the other person just does not get it. They just do not understand what you are trying to tell them. You wonder why they...
Bridging the gap
The popular term generation gap refers to the chasm separating a younger generation from an older generation and has probably always been there....
A Superhero for the rest of my life
My hero was Superman. That was a long time ago. Before Henry Cavill and Christopher Reeve. Before television. It all happened on the radio and in...
Gods love does not hinge on yours. The abundance of your love does not increase his. The lack of your love does not diminish his. Your goodness...
King Solomon’s Mines – Rolling Rolling Rolling
A farmer was driving his bakkie down a main road when he saw a hitchhiker carrying a heavy backpack. He pulled over and offered him a ride, which...
The dark country of divorce
Divorce touches each of us, sooner or later. A friend, a brother, a co-worker, or perhaps, you. If you havent been affected by divorce, you...
God’s GPS
GPS stands for Global Positioning System and has become synonymous with any handheld computerized gizmo that helps us find our way in unfamiliar...
I doubt it
It s taken me years to accept that there is room for doubt in my life and it can turn out to be a good thing.At one time I felt I had all the...
Golden Nugget Verses
David Letterman, who hosts the CBS Late Show, is known for his humorous Top Ten lists. Im often asked for my top ten lists of movies, books, songs,...
Our armour or His?
Im not sure about you, but I know I wouldnt like to face a wild lion, unprotected. An unbelievably powerful body rippled with muscles, huge...
Is grace too good to be true?
Non-believers and even some believers see Gods grace as something too good to be true. How about you?In Grace Communion International, we are on an...