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Looking back

Looking back

I’m sure many of you know the story in Genesis 19 of Lot’s wife. But what was it that made her look back and turn into a pillar of salt? Did she...

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People who have a purpose in life live healthier and longer lives, concluded neuropsychologist, Patricia Boyle. Dr. Boyle was quoted in a Wall...

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Easter 2014

Easter 2014

Good Friday and Easter set themselves as pivotal dates on the Christian calendar. I say “pivotal” because all that we–as Christians–hope and believe...

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Are You Getting It?

Are You Getting It?

Ever had an argument and the other person just does not “get it”. They just do not understand what you are trying to tell them. You wonder why they...

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Bridging the gap

Bridging the gap

The popular term “generation gap” refers to the chasm separating a younger generation from an older generation and has probably always been there....

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God’s GPS

God’s GPS

GPS stands for Global Positioning System and has become synonymous with any handheld computerized gizmo that helps us find our way in unfamiliar...

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I doubt it

I doubt it

It ’s taken me years to accept that there is room for doubt in my life and it can turn out to be a good thing.At one time I felt I had all the...

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