UNMERITED HEIRDOM (undeserved inheritance)

by | Sep 8, 2021 | September 2021 | 1 comment

I am naturally fearfully and wonderfully made,
A very highly skilled work yet in its all raw state –
The clay creation God has designed after his kind,
Waiting patiently as it bides its manifestation time.

I am much lower than my unimaginable potential,
Still in this phase of flesh basically truly essential,
A starting point to accessing the God Kingdom,
Entered on grace as it is unmerited heirdom. (inheritance).

I’m shared an inheritance God is with his saints,
The Divinity who well cleansed me from all taints,
On transfer to the citizenship and realm of his Son,
By and for whom I live as a complete conscious soul. (self).

Yes, I am a genuine image of the Master Potter He is;
His short-lived masterpiece He wholly loved to bits –
Idolized, adopted, and merited heir to his throne,
My real life with Christ in Him, our Spirit home.

From there I await a glorious return of my Saviour,
In whose hope, faith, and love, I am highly favoured –
He is only waiting to transform my weak mortal body,
Into one just as his, an enormous power of God’s glory.

That’s my utmost potential freed from imperfections,
Risen from death in the first and better resurrection,
By God’s mighty power or his working or operation,
The Spirit who raised up Jesus for his glorification.

He’s a guarantee of inheritance I must hang on,
Then boast its majestic status rejoicing in my God,
Clad in the full regal robe of a sovereign set to rule,
As in Christ I have a royal lineage being his true blue. (loyalist).

So I’m brought to my logical non-material culmination,
My raw flesh phase to its ultimate Spirit composition.
Alleluia! I’m God heir on a gold platter of his grace,
Which I elevate in a grateful spirited lofty praise.
(Text: Col 1:12-13 ; Phillip 3: 20-21)

1 Comment

  1. ntshimane george mashao

    What a beautiful piece of poetry. I thoroughly enjoyed it. May God bless you and keep you.
    Pastor Mashao


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