Book Review: Mercy re-wrote my life by Simone Aronje-Adetoye

by | Mar 9, 2023 | 2019 | 0 comments

The TV program Against all odds, presented by Mpho Lakage has surely been an inspiration to many viewers. It is about people who have succeeded in their lives in spite of great adversities.  This book, also featured on the program, must rank among the most inspiring of all, as Simone tells her story. One hardly knows where to begin or what to say, so amazing are the events, and so staggering both the setbacks and divine interventions.  One could truly say ‘truth is stranger…’

From the age of nine, Simone encountered abuse from both parents and husband. In spite of this, she obtained her Teacher’s Diploma, and made rapid advances in her teaching career. Her musical talent saw her advancing in spectacular ways by teaching in private schools and accompanying choirs.

Re-locating to Polokwane after an inspirational dream, she started on a chequered   journey to realizing that dream – the beginning of the Limpopo Youth Orchestra. Repeatedly she is brought to rely on Jesus for rescue from intolerable situations. Time and again she turns to Him and miraculously gets back on track! The final sorrow in her life at the time of publishing was the tragic loss of her housekeeper’s son who drowned in a swimming pool while the orchestra was on tour in Senegal. But again, Simone’s faith and trust kept her ‘on the potter’s wheel.’

To say that this book is an inspiration is to understate. Simone’s experiences are testimony to an all powerful, loving personal God and Saviour who is able to change any situation.

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