It looked like being a good evenings entertainment.
The main characters were played by an academy award winner and a nominee, and it was categorized in the romance section of our local library. A bit of an escape from the hard cold realities of this world was just what we needed after watching the news. So we had pleasant expectations as we switched on our DVD player.
But it was not to be. The opening scenes were about a husband and wife having a succession of arguments where nobody wins. She didnt want to talk about it, and he got angry and frustrated as all his efforts to resolve the crisis got blown away like a feather. For the next two hours the story progressed from arguments to adultery, to abortion and finally suicide.
No redemption, no resolution, no happy ending. We felt cheated and let down.
Thinking about it the next morning I realized it was probably a pretty accurate picture of how life might have been in suburbia of the 50s in the USA. The husband had a well paying job, they lived in a stylish house, had one large car, two small children, some good friends and everything a stay-at-home wife and mother could wish for. Or did they? Apparently not. She wanted something more than the boring life. Emigrate to another country, take up a new career, a new lover. Anything but dull domesticity.
Theres a story in the Bible about a king who reached a plateau of success in his military career. God had given him victory in the battles he had fought and a period of peace was enjoyed by the nation of Israel. Im talking about King David the only king who earned the description a man after Gods own heart. The story of his encounter with Bathsheba and the resulting pregnancy, death of the child and tragic aftermath are well known. It started with things going smoothly for David.
As he relaxed on the roof of his palace one evening he saw a beautiful woman bathing. Though we are not quite sure how ancient architecture allowed for this kind of observation, David was determined from that moment to hook up with her. Adultery was followed by murder to cover up the sin, and then finally David was brought face to face with reality by the prophet Nathan. The child Bathsheba bore him died within a week in spite of Davids repentance and fasting.
A sad ending, or at least it might have been had David gone the same route as the wife in the movie. She clung to her obstinate obsession with a change of bed partners or a change of country, even though it was clearly impractical and morally perilous. She wouldnt let go of what she wanted. The movie ended with a carefully planned deception and then self inflicted abortion and death. A hollow depressing outcome.
Forgetting the past
But David had a complete change of heart and turned his life around. He pleaded with God: Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity. Create in me a pure heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me (Psalm 51: 9-11). He could have wallowed in his grief and misery, but he determined to get his life back on track. After worshipping God he went back home and ordered a fine dinner. Psalm 22 is known to prophetically describe the suffering of Jesus, but no doubt the words penned by David came straight from the heart. He had more than his fair share of troubles. But the last few verses of the same psalm (25-31) show a clear picture of what David (and everyone else) can look forward to. The whole earth will acknowledge the Lord and return to him. All the families of the nations will bow down before him (verse 27 NLT).
Just like David, the apostle Paul looked ahead and pressed towards the goal of Gods Kingdom but one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus(Philippians 3:13-14).
Of course, the movie was just a story, but how often in our lives dont we get tempted to indulge in some kind of off-beat experience when things are running smoothly? Perhaps its a case of the devil makes work for idle hands, or we dont feel the need to stay close to God, so we are caught off guard. Maybe a bit of both.
Everything to look forward to
Though stay-at-home moms are rare today, the movie type of tragedy with some variations, is most likely played out in many lives today. Not necessarily with the same dramatic ending, but with a feeling of hopelessness and failure. A dead end, no redemption and nothing to look forward to.
But the truth is, all humanity has everything to look forward to. Paul was allowed a brief glimpse of what God has prepared for the human race, and it was too wonderful to describe (2 Corinthians 12:3-4). This is what Jesus sacrifice was all about making us into new people people he would like to spend eternity with.
But what about the here and now? How do we cope with all our troubles in this evil world? What will keep us going to the end? Jesus promised his disciples that the Comforter, or Holy Spirit would be with them right through their lives and with us all to the end of the age. Its a gift we can ask for with complete confidence that it will be granted. Like David we can be reassured that even in our darkest moments, God is with us (Psalm 23:4).
The sooner the good news of his love, healing and forgiveness is made known, the more lives will be turned around and straightened out. The salvation we have is the ultimate blessing, so great we want to pay it forward by sharing the good news with others.
As children of God we are blessed with the knowledge that God has forgiven even our rottenest sins and he sees us as completely righteous.
What kind of love is that?
Much more than we can measure.