I have just finished reading a novel1 about an individual who was a wanderer, a scholar, a physician, a swordsman and a man on a quest to find his father.
The latter had been captured and enslaved by a Middle Eastern warlord and this wanderer determined to rescue him. During his journey he meets up with a group of warriors from the Steppes of Mongolia and builds up a friendship with them; apparently they have a greeting that also doubles as a goodbye, and here it isYol Bolsonmeaning, May there be a road!
This is a wish for a way, a trail, a road, or a highway to make your journey more bearable and to ease your mind as you journey across unknown territory; just two words but a big blessing for your onward journey and I guess for your safe arrival at your final destination. The only thing better than a good road is, a good road and a good companion to share your journey, someone to communicate with and share the weary hours with as you travel.
Jesus is such a companion! But you know, Jesus is not just a travelling companion, He is much more than that; He reveals many things to us during our journeying together; He opens our understanding as we go along the way. This is exactly what happened to the two disciples who were travelling home to a village called Emmaus after the crucifixion; they were sad, depressed, totally disheartened, and not knowing what to believe. On this road to Emmaus Jesus comes alongside them and journeys with them. Initially he asks What were you discussing along the way? With long faces they told him about what had transpired in Jerusalem over the previous three days and add that some of our women went to his tomb but found it empty! Then Jesus, beginning with Moses and all the prophets, explained to them everything in the scriptures that referred to Himself (Luke 24:17-35).
What an amazing journey for these two disciples, to be instructed and taught about the things that had happened to Him over that period of time. Also the most amazing thing about this special Bible study was that it came totally from the Old Testament and if we take the time to search we will see Jesus behind every shadow in those prophetic scriptures. This was the Good Shepherd caring for two of his sheep who had wandered awayhow did His loving concern impact them? Well, they turned around and walked back to Jerusalem to meet up with their friends and brothers to find out more and meet up with the Shepherd once again.
Are you on a journey today? If so, Id like to wish you Yol Bolsonmay there be such a road for you.
Reprinted with kind permission of Because magazine, UK.
1. The Walking Drum by Louis LAmour