One summer night I sat in our small backyard in a comfortable reclining chair and looked at the star-studded sky.
I was reminded of a scripture I had recently read in Psalm 8: When I consider the work of your fingers, the moon and stars which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him? I had been studying the Bible for some time, but was still undecided about where it was taking me.
I closed my eyes and drifted into an imaginary tour of the solar system, led by a Guide who seemed to know everything about astronomy. He showed me each of the planets, from white hot Mercury to distant Uranus and Neptune. All but one looked barren and deserted. But the third planet from the sun was something else. It was like a jewel floating in space, blue with swirling bands of white cloud. I asked my Guide why it was different from the others.
If you would really like to understand, lets sit here, and I will tell you the story of planet earth, he said.
Immediately we zoomed in for a closer look, and I could see the outlines of the continents. The ice caps shone brilliantly in the sunlight, making it even more beautiful.
I was at a loss for words, but could only mumble awesome, magnificent, wonderful.
Yes, said my Guide, but wait and Ill show you some more.
We zoomed in closer and I saw snow-capped mountains, dense green rain forests, deserts, farm lands and cities.
Now lets look into the lives of some of the people I created, he said.
Next we were inside a magnificent cathedral. The congregation rose to their feet as the first stirring notes of the wedding march sounded from the organ. My spirits soared as I watched the bride walking slowly down the aisle accompanied by her father. It was clearly an occasion for great rejoicing.
Wow, this is fabulous. What else are we going to see?
Well, said my Guide. Now Im going to show you something different.
In an instant we were transported to a slum on the outskirts of a large city. There were piles of filthy rubbish, a disgusting stench, and worst of all, little children were playing in that environment. It was almost too much to bear.
How did it get to this? I almost sobbed. And what will happen to those children? How will they grow up?
A few will break free from those conditions, but sadly most will remain where they are, and many will turn to crime.
Next we were inside a beautiful house two unseen observers of luxury and wealth. A family of five sat around a table while a gourmet meal was served by a smartly dressed maid. I suddenly thought of an old song called The sounds of silence. It seemed to fit the occasion.
Whats the problem here? I asked uncertainly.
Oh, there are quite a few problems. There is no dinner-time conversation because each of them is going their own separate way. Mother is off to a political party meeting, and is hoping to be nominated as a candidate. The two teenage girls are going to meet friends, and from there they will go clubbing, where they will be introduced to several alternatives to being bored. Theyve been warned at school about the dangers of these things, but they are determined to decide for themselves. The young brother cant wait for everyone to leave so he can log on to a porn site on the internet. He will download some of this on to his cell phone and show it to his friends at school. He really wants to belong to a certain group, and hes sure this will be his passport to inclusion. The whole family thinks Father is going back to the office to work late, but hes actually got a date with his secretary.
How sickening, I thought, but couldnt find words.
In a flash we were in a desert somewhere in North Africa. Truckloads of people were being transported along a dusty windswept road while aircraft overhead rained down missiles and bullets on the vehicles. The screams and shrieks of injured people were heartrending, and I buried my head in my hands, sick to the stomach at what I saw and heard.
Then there was silence, and we were back in space looking at this beautiful jewel of a planet from a distance.
So beautiful, yet so horrible!…why? My voice trailed off. I couldnt think anymore.
My Guide looked at me thoughtfully for a few moments. Then he spoke quietly but intensely.
When I created human beings, I offered to teach them a way of life that would produce happiness, peace and success. But they refused they thought they knew better. Later I chose a special group of people and gave them detailed instructions on how to live, but they also disobeyed and failed repeatedly, though I forgave them time and again. Finally I offered them peace and deliverance from evil by sending my own precious Son, who lived among them, and preached my love and forgiveness to them. If only they had listened to him, but, as you can guess by now, they knew better. Finally, they killed him in the most cruel and shameful way.
Is there going to be no end to all this horror? I asked. Is there no way people will listen to you and learn to live in peace? I mean its so obvious everythings in a mess and its getting worse all the time. Are you ever going to stop this misery? My voice rose to a pitch. What more could I say?
Oh yes! I am going to restore this beautiful planet to the magnificent harmony I first intended it to have. Then it will look beautiful from both near and far.
I brightened up. That really is good news, I said. How is this going to happen, and when?
Ill tell you how said my Guide. My Son didnt die for nothing. He rose from the dead three days after he was killed, and appeared to quite a number of people, sufficient times to convince them he was alive. In sacrificing his life, he paid the price for all the sins and wrongdoings of every human everywhere.
At exactly the right time and only I know when this will be he will return to earth in power and glory to reign over all people. There will be no more crying and mourning no more tears or suffering. Everyone will be eager to learn his ways and there will be great joy and happiness on earth. This is the way I meant it to be.
And what about all those people we just saw? Will they be there too?
When I say I will restore all things, I mean just that. All things, and my offer is to all people, said my Guide. I want no one excluded.
But how? I asked. My Guide just smiled enigmatically.
And in the meantime ?
In the meantime, my Son has some faithful followers on earth, who look forward to his coming. They now live their lives as testimony to their fellow human beings that there is another way to live the way I showed at the beginning.
Fantastic! Can I become a follower of your Son?
I hoped you would ask that. Of course! You are already getting to know him by studying my Book. He is looking for people like you who will make the commitment to follow him, and to join him in our work of restoring this beautiful planet and its creation to all it can be.
I had a sudden thought. What else are you planning for humans?
Once again my Guide smiled broadly and I think I saw a twinkle in his eye as he replied, Much more than you can possibly imagine.
I was reminded of a scripture I had recently read in Psalm 8: When I consider the work of your fingers, the moon and stars which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him? I had been studying the Bible for some time, but was still undecided about where it was taking me.
I closed my eyes and drifted into an imaginary tour of the solar system, led by a Guide who seemed to know everything about astronomy. He showed me each of the planets, from white hot Mercury to distant Uranus and Neptune. All but one looked barren and deserted. But the third planet from the sun was something else. It was like a jewel floating in space, blue with swirling bands of white cloud. I asked my Guide why it was different from the others.
If you would really like to understand, lets sit here, and I will tell you the story of planet earth, he said.
Immediately we zoomed in for a closer look, and I could see the outlines of the continents. The ice caps shone brilliantly in the sunlight, making it even more beautiful.
I was at a loss for words, but could only mumble awesome, magnificent, wonderful.
Yes, said my Guide, but wait and Ill show you some more.
We zoomed in closer and I saw snow-capped mountains, dense green rain forests, deserts, farm lands and cities.
Now lets look into the lives of some of the people I created, he said.
Next we were inside a magnificent cathedral. The congregation rose to their feet as the first stirring notes of the wedding march sounded from the organ. My spirits soared as I watched the bride walking slowly down the aisle accompanied by her father. It was clearly an occasion for great rejoicing.
Wow, this is fabulous. What else are we going to see?
Well, said my Guide. Now Im going to show you something different.
In an instant we were transported to a slum on the outskirts of a large city. There were piles of filthy rubbish, a disgusting stench, and worst of all, little children were playing in that environment. It was almost too much to bear.
How did it get to this? I almost sobbed. And what will happen to those children? How will they grow up?
A few will break free from those conditions, but sadly most will remain where they are, and many will turn to crime.
Next we were inside a beautiful house two unseen observers of luxury and wealth. A family of five sat around a table while a gourmet meal was served by a smartly dressed maid. I suddenly thought of an old song called The sounds of silence. It seemed to fit the occasion.
Whats the problem here? I asked uncertainly.
Oh, there are quite a few problems. There is no dinner-time conversation because each of them is going their own separate way. Mother is off to a political party meeting, and is hoping to be nominated as a candidate. The two teenage girls are going to meet friends, and from there they will go clubbing, where they will be introduced to several alternatives to being bored. Theyve been warned at school about the dangers of these things, but they are determined to decide for themselves. The young brother cant wait for everyone to leave so he can log on to a porn site on the internet. He will download some of this on to his cell phone and show it to his friends at school. He really wants to belong to a certain group, and hes sure this will be his passport to inclusion. The whole family thinks Father is going back to the office to work late, but hes actually got a date with his secretary.
How sickening, I thought, but couldnt find words.
In a flash we were in a desert somewhere in North Africa. Truckloads of people were being transported along a dusty windswept road while aircraft overhead rained down missiles and bullets on the vehicles. The screams and shrieks of injured people were heartrending, and I buried my head in my hands, sick to the stomach at what I saw and heard.
Then there was silence, and we were back in space looking at this beautiful jewel of a planet from a distance.
So beautiful, yet so horrible!…why? My voice trailed off. I couldnt think anymore.
My Guide looked at me thoughtfully for a few moments. Then he spoke quietly but intensely.
When I created human beings, I offered to teach them a way of life that would produce happiness, peace and success. But they refused they thought they knew better. Later I chose a special group of people and gave them detailed instructions on how to live, but they also disobeyed and failed repeatedly, though I forgave them time and again. Finally I offered them peace and deliverance from evil by sending my own precious Son, who lived among them, and preached my love and forgiveness to them. If only they had listened to him, but, as you can guess by now, they knew better. Finally, they killed him in the most cruel and shameful way.
Is there going to be no end to all this horror? I asked. Is there no way people will listen to you and learn to live in peace? I mean its so obvious everythings in a mess and its getting worse all the time. Are you ever going to stop this misery? My voice rose to a pitch. What more could I say?
Oh yes! I am going to restore this beautiful planet to the magnificent harmony I first intended it to have. Then it will look beautiful from both near and far.
I brightened up. That really is good news, I said. How is this going to happen, and when?
Ill tell you how said my Guide. My Son didnt die for nothing. He rose from the dead three days after he was killed, and appeared to quite a number of people, sufficient times to convince them he was alive. In sacrificing his life, he paid the price for all the sins and wrongdoings of every human everywhere.
At exactly the right time and only I know when this will be he will return to earth in power and glory to reign over all people. There will be no more crying and mourning no more tears or suffering. Everyone will be eager to learn his ways and there will be great joy and happiness on earth. This is the way I meant it to be.
And what about all those people we just saw? Will they be there too?
When I say I will restore all things, I mean just that. All things, and my offer is to all people, said my Guide. I want no one excluded.
But how? I asked. My Guide just smiled enigmatically.
And in the meantime ?
In the meantime, my Son has some faithful followers on earth, who look forward to his coming. They now live their lives as testimony to their fellow human beings that there is another way to live the way I showed at the beginning.
Fantastic! Can I become a follower of your Son?
I hoped you would ask that. Of course! You are already getting to know him by studying my Book. He is looking for people like you who will make the commitment to follow him, and to join him in our work of restoring this beautiful planet and its creation to all it can be.
I had a sudden thought. What else are you planning for humans?
Once again my Guide smiled broadly and I think I saw a twinkle in his eye as he replied, Much more than you can possibly imagine.
One summer night I sat in our small backyard in a comfortable reclining chair and looked at the star-studded sky.
I was reminded of a scripture I had recently read in Psalm 8: When I consider the work of your fingers, the moon and stars which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him? I had been studying the Bible for some time, but was still undecided about where it was taking me.
I closed my eyes and drifted into an imaginary tour of the solar system, led by a Guide who seemed to know everything about astronomy. He showed me each of the planets, from white hot Mercury to distant Uranus and Neptune. All but one looked barren and deserted. But the third planet from the sun was something else. It was like a jewel floating in space, blue with swirling bands of white cloud. I asked my Guide why it was different from the others.
If you would really like to understand, lets sit here, and I will tell you the story of planet earth, he said.
Immediately we zoomed in for a closer look, and I could see the outlines of the continents. The ice caps shone brilliantly in the sunlight, making it even more beautiful.
I was at a loss for words, but could only mumble awesome, magnificent, wonderful.
Yes, said my Guide, but wait and Ill show you some more.
We zoomed in closer and I saw snow-capped mountains, dense green rain forests, deserts, farm lands and cities.
Now lets look into the lives of some of the people I created, he said.
Next we were inside a magnificent cathedral. The congregation rose to their feet as the first stirring notes of the wedding march sounded from the organ. My spirits soared as I watched the bride walking slowly down the aisle accompanied by her father. It was clearly an occasion for great rejoicing.
Wow, this is fabulous. What else are we going to see?
Well, said my Guide. Now Im going to show you something different.
In an instant we were transported to a slum on the outskirts of a large city. There were piles of filthy rubbish, a disgusting stench, and worst of all, little children were playing in that environment. It was almost too much to bear.
How did it get to this? I almost sobbed. And what will happen to those children? How will they grow up?
A few will break free from those conditions, but sadly most will remain where they are, and many will turn to crime.
Next we were inside a beautiful house two unseen observers of luxury and wealth. A family of five sat around a table while a gourmet meal was served by a smartly dressed maid. I suddenly thought of an old song called The sounds of silence. It seemed to fit the occasion.
Whats the problem here? I asked uncertainly.
Oh, there are quite a few problems. There is no dinner-time conversation because each of them is going their own separate way. Mother is off to a political party meeting, and is hoping to be nominated as a candidate. The two teenage girls are going to meet friends, and from there they will go clubbing, where they will be introduced to several alternatives to being bored. Theyve been warned at school about the dangers of these things, but they are determined to decide for themselves. The young brother cant wait for everyone to leave so he can log on to a porn site on the internet. He will download some of this on to his cell phone and show it to his friends at school. He really wants to belong to a certain group, and hes sure this will be his passport to inclusion. The whole family thinks Father is going back to the office to work late, but hes actually got a date with his secretary.
How sickening, I thought, but couldnt find words.
In a flash we were in a desert somewhere in North Africa. Truckloads of people were being transported along a dusty windswept road while aircraft overhead rained down missiles and bullets on the vehicles. The screams and shrieks of injured people were heartrending, and I buried my head in my hands, sick to the stomach at what I saw and heard.
Then there was silence, and we were back in space looking at this beautiful jewel of a planet from a distance.
So beautiful, yet so horrible!…why? My voice trailed off. I couldnt think anymore.
My Guide looked at me thoughtfully for a few moments. Then he spoke quietly but intensely.
When I created human beings, I offered to teach them a way of life that would produce happiness, peace and success. But they refused they thought they knew better. Later I chose a special group of people and gave them detailed instructions on how to live, but they also disobeyed and failed repeatedly, though I forgave them time and again. Finally I offered them peace and deliverance from evil by sending my own precious Son, who lived among them, and preached my love and forgiveness to them. If only they had listened to him, but, as you can guess by now, they knew better. Finally, they killed him in the most cruel and shameful way.
Is there going to be no end to all this horror? I asked. Is there no way people will listen to you and learn to live in peace? I mean its so obvious everythings in a mess and its getting worse all the time. Are you ever going to stop this misery? My voice rose to a pitch. What more could I say?
Oh yes! I am going to restore this beautiful planet to the magnificent harmony I first intended it to have. Then it will look beautiful from both near and far.
I brightened up. That really is good news, I said. How is this going to happen, and when?
Ill tell you how said my Guide. My Son didnt die for nothing. He rose from the dead three days after he was killed, and appeared to quite a number of people, sufficient times to convince them he was alive. In sacrificing his life, he paid the price for all the sins and wrongdoings of every human everywhere.
At exactly the right time and only I know when this will be he will return to earth in power and glory to reign over all people. There will be no more crying and mourning no more tears or suffering. Everyone will be eager to learn his ways and there will be great joy and happiness on earth. This is the way I meant it to be.
And what about all those people we just saw? Will they be there too?
When I say I will restore all things, I mean just that. All things, and my offer is to all people, said my Guide. I want no one excluded.
But how? I asked. My Guide just smiled enigmatically.
And in the meantime ?
In the meantime, my Son has some faithful followers on earth, who look forward to his coming. They now live their lives as testimony to their fellow human beings that there is another way to live the way I showed at the beginning.
Fantastic! Can I become a follower of your Son?
I hoped you would ask that. Of course! You are already getting to know him by studying my Book. He is looking for people like you who will make the commitment to follow him, and to join him in our work of restoring this beautiful planet and its creation to all it can be.
I had a sudden thought. What else are you planning for humans?
Once again my Guide smiled broadly and I think I saw a twinkle in his eye as he replied, Much more than you can possibly imagine.