Do you believe in miracles? I do.
We dont always acknowledge them as such but inexplicable things either small or great have happened to most of us, and I prefer to call these miracles.
When I was a child my younger brother and I decided we wanted tomato sauce with our food. Knowing my dad was the one who did the grocery shopping, we pleaded with him to buy some. He was pastor of a church in Bethlehem at that time, and finances were very tight.
Sorry, boys, he replied. Theres no money for luxuries like that. But he suggested we go into our bedroom and ask the Lord Jesus for some.
We did this without hesitation, not for a minute doubting it would happen.
It was my fathers habit to open the front door of the parsonage at six in the morning. He left it open for anyone passing by to know that he was available for counselling. The morning after our prayers for divine provision, he opened the front door and to his surprise there were two large bottles of tomato sauce on the stoep.
To this day we havent figured out how those two bottles arrived.
It also happened during the years of World War II that the battery of our car packed up. The Buick had to be push-started every time. There were just no batteries available on account of the war effort. One Sunday we drove with a car load of young people with their musical instruments in the boot. We had to go through a steeply embanked drift to get to the farm where my dad was to serve communion to some farmers.
With brakes applied he slid down into the drift but the car stalled at the bottom. The starter would not turn and there was no space to try and push the car. My dad prayed and told the Lord he had to serve the waiting people with communion and would the Lord please let the car start when he pressed the starter button?
It happened just like that! We were able to scale the opposite embankment and drove happily to our destination. Afterwards, as long as that battery was in the car, push-starting was the only option until my dad managed to obtain a rebuilt battery.
Immutable laws suspended
Jesus did many miracles during his ministry on earth. He healed the sick, raised Lazarus from the dead, walked on the water of the Sea of Galilee and turned water into the very best wine, palatable to the connoisseur. And this without even a period of fermentation. Yet the laws of nature never changed. He intervened into the immutable laws and proved that he is Master of all laws.
Profound as these abovementioned miracles may be, there is an even greater oneindeed the greatest of all.
There have been many campaigns where promises of healing have been made. But these could never be guaranteed, and sometimes sick people have gone away disappointed and disillusioned. But some years ago I attended a campaign by Franklin Graham where miracles did happen and were guaranteed to happen. All who would accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour were invited to step forward, and many people flocked to the front to receive counselling and prayer.
There is another immutable law that states that the soul that sins will die (Ezekiel 18:4). Yes, weve all sinned, and the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). But the gift of God is eternal life (same verse).
This miracle of miracles turns you from death to eternal life. Numerous people are walking the earth with eternal life inherent.
Phone for a miracle?
Recently I read in a Christian magazine, that if you want to know more about what the Bible says about receiving eternal life, you may call their number. Yes, a simple phone call can be the start of the greatest miracle in anyones life.
Any evangelist who is worth his salt can invite people to come and receive eternal life. The surprising thing is that it is so simple. You repent of being a sinner and accept the gift of Jesus sacrifice and resurrection, and youll live forever! God the Fathers love has made the way through Jesus, so that the Holy Spirit may dwell in you and revive you from death to eternal life.
This miracle is not only for nowit is everlasting and guaranteed.
A close friend of ours is passionately involved in a prison ministry, and has told us many stories of prisoners turning to Christ. One of the most dramatic is of a man called Eddie (not his real name).
Thirteen years ago Eddie was convicted for kidnapping and extortion and sentenced to 25 years. He was also heavily involved in Satanism, and loved to question Christians and rattle their cages, as he put it. He met a spiritual worker in the prison who, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, was able to answer his questions. After about two months, Eddie accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. His life turned around 180 degrees, and he is now a model prisoner, and spends his time studying the Bible and reaching out to other prisoners. He is due for parole soon. We give God the glory.
Jesus gave his word of honour which is the word of God when he said. Im telling you the most solemn and sober truth now: Whoever believes in me has real life, eternal life (John 6: 47 Message).
From death in sinfulness to eternal life in purity is certainly a greater miracle that even raising Lazarus from the grave to physical life that would in any case, come to an end again.
And it works every time. Its guaranteed by God himself.