Peoples views on being a Christian differ radically.
Is it simply enough to have head knowledge, to believe in God and that Jesus Christ, his Son, came to die for our sins?
Or is it about works, a long list of dos and donts that somehow qualifies us for membership? Or is it achieved in another way, like through the sacrament of baptism?
Lets turn to our Bibles and see what Christ had to say about the matter.
In Matthew 7:15 Christ teaches and warns his listeners about those who claim to be of him and are not. He then goes on to make an analogy of fruit trees, and that by the good or bad fruit that they bear, we will recognise them (verse 20).
What are these fruits that Christ is referring to?
The book of John helps lead us to a better understanding. Christ says that we can be recognised as his followers by the love we have one for another (John 13:35). People should be able to look at those of us who profess to be his followers and see that we are different, and see that love of God flowing from us.
Love is not just a feeling, its a verb, a doing word. It requires action.
God took action and proved his love in that while we were still sinners he sent his beloved Son to die for us, to reconcile us and lay claim to us as his adopted sons and daughters. In the same way he expects us to show love, even when undeserved, to all of humanity.
You will probably agree with me when I say that some people are really difficult to love. They live their own little self-centred lives, not caring about who they hurt or wrong along the way. Does God really expect us to love them?
This is not something that we can do of and by ourselves. The all encompassing, unconditional love that God expects from us is impossible to achieve through human efforts, so how do we do it? If we continue reading in Matthew 7 we are shown how.
Talking of those who claim to be of him, and are not, he says Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you.(verses 22-23, emphasis mine)
Becoming a true follower of Christ means getting to know Jesus, intimately. Out of that knowing we will come to love, adore, proclaim and ultimately to manifest him!
Too many people professing to be Christians may know of him, but do not have a personal, meaningful, intimate relationship with God. Any worthwhile relationship requires time spent together, especially in communication. To be a Christian means that you spend time with him, talking to him through prayer and allowing him to talk to you, through his Word and Holy Spirit. It is only when we invite him into our lives to live his life in and through us that we can really get to know him personally, and that he can start to work through us.
Being a Christian is not about us doing good works, but allowing him to do good works through us!
Yes, God, the creator of the universe lives inside of us, and accomplishes his good works through us. The apostle Paul explains this in 1 Corinthians 6:19: Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.
When we hand over our hearts to him in total surrender, we become a channel through which his love flows, and only then can we love others as unconditionally as God loves us.
And only then can we call ourselves Christians, or true disciples of Christ.
So no, becoming a Christian isnt about a long list of works to accomplish or sins to avoid, though once we get to know Christ better, good works and avoiding sin will become a natural consequence. Becoming a true follower of Christ simply means getting to know Jesus. It is about entering into a meaningful relationship with him, inviting him into your life, and allowing him to transform you into someone who reflects his love to others.