Where are the Faithful?

by | Mar 9, 2023 | 2012 | 0 comments

Nineteen people died, fifty two injured – in one horrendous bus accident.

In Syria 8000 were killed in civil uprising.
Riots, murder, rape, deceit, corruption, police officials imprisoned, schools burned, streets blockaded, shop windows broken and shops looted.  And that’s only the seven o’clock news.

In a church somewhere in Africa the gospel of peace is preached. However, members of a different faith are out to kill and destroy their presumed enemies.

What is there that is good or to rejoice about when you see glee on the faces of rioters? Are Christians protected?  Not always. A dear friend, who I believe lived closer to God than I, was attacked in her house whilst her husband was struck on the head with a gun while reading his Bible.

And then there are diseases eating away at the human body in the form of HIV Aids, cancer, tuberculosis and many, many more.

In the Old Testament  we read of murder and war on a grand scale. In Leviticus 19 and 20 we read of physical blessings for obedience to God and severe cursings, death, bloodshed, famine and trouble of the worst kind for disobedience. But in the New Testament we find Jesus saying “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).

What was he telling us, when through the ages numerous martyrs paid the price of being burnt at the stake or fed to lions and all the apostles died violent deaths in martyrdom except John?

In 1 Kings 19, when Jezebel threatened Elijah he fled and wanted to die because he saw only himself as serving God while the world around him was living in sin. When we look around we may even feel the same. But God stirred Elijah, speaking to him personally, appointing a few tasks for him to do, and encouraging him with the assurance that there were 7000 in Israel who had not bowed down to the pagan god, Baal. These were just as faithful to God as the old prophet himself. Elijah had to pick himself up and get on with the comparatively mundane tasks of anointing a couple of kings as well as a prophet to succeed him. And this after he had performed a spectacular miracle the day before!

In this present evil world, we are still able to see God’s glorious creation carrying on according to the laws of nature and to our enjoyment. We also see that a small portion of humanity is serving God wholeheartedly.

The majority of confessing Christians sing and rejoice every Sunday. Why? That friend of ours who was so brutally attacked, still rejoices in the Lord and tells of his goodness every day and how he intervenes in his great mercy in their lives.

How can we rejoice?

What is it that stirs the joy of the Lord in the hearts of believers amidst all the evil around?

Paul said: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV). It is really simple. It’s the resurrected Jesus who has given us God’s Holy Spirit to fill our minds with peace beyond understanding.

Jesus said true worshippers will worship God in spirit and in truth. It is our hearts and minds that are guided and protected whilst the fleeting body decays.

Looking at humanity and its behaviour in general can be very depressing. But what God has offered the inner person is what uplifts us.  Attitudes and behaviour change, and what sounds virtually impossible in secular life, becomes second nature  –  to love God with your whole heart and mind and strength, and your fellow human beings as yourself.

Preservation in Christ is what gives peace. Acceptance of his sacrifice and faith in his resurrection, and assurance of eternal life is what lifts your soul and spirit to realms of joy and assurance of eternal life.

Who are these people?

The faithful are those who follow Jesus Christ and submit their lives to him no matter what this world throws at them. They walk the streets and work in offices; they make roads and do washing and ironing; they are in the world and look like the world but have been preserved as the faithful in Christ.

Are they a special breed or what is the difference?

The only difference is that they have heard the gospel and accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. They go about with peace in their hearts and hope in their souls. But unlike the 7000 preserved in Elijah’s time, this preservation today is not limited to a born again minority.  Jesus said all who are weary and burdened should come unto him and he will give them rest (Matthew 11:28).

“Yes. God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever believed in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send Jesus to condemn the world but that through him the world might be saved” (John 3:16,17).


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